Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What has two thumbs and four chapters of reading to do already?!


This is my fourth semester here at college, and every. single. time it never ceases to amaze me how much professors will just lay on you, right from the first class. I get it, we are Adults who are Supposed To Be Responsible and who Should Have Enough Dedication for all of the reading. Whatever. It doesn't change the fact that it is a LOT to do.

Anyway. Son, I very much enjoyed your last post except now I am sad that I cannot watch trashy TV when it is actually ON. I have to wait until it comes online and I have a spare hour or two to watch.

Anyway, earlier I texted you that I would post an official review of my first day of classes so here it is:


6:30 AM: Get up and wash face; prepare for early morning workout class at the student rec center. Feel ridiculous for getting up so early when the first academic class is not scheduled until 10 AM.

7:15 AM: Go to workout class (a class called Women On Weights, which is pretty self-explanatory) and immediately realize that it is not for me. Maybe it's because I hadn't lifted in a while, maybe it was because the instructor was so boring, but I struggled for a good 20 minutes before I realized that I was getting shaky and nauseous (something that has happened in the past during first-thing-in-the-morning workouts), even though I had had what I thought was a nice fueling breakfast. I ended up leaving the class 15 minutes early.

8:00-9:40 AM: Drink coffee, read blogs, eat more breakfast, get ready for class.

10:00 AM: Go to Physiology class and become nervous about how demanding it is. At least it will be interesting. So I can be intellectually engaged while I'm being whipped to death by the mechanisms of human function! Yay!

11:00 AM-12:30 PM: Have no class, feel completely lost because no routine has been set yet and therefore I have no idea what to do with my time. End up getting lunch (asiago potato soup and foccacia bread, yum) and reading blogs on my iPod.

12:45-1:15 PM: Go to a class called Health & Wellness; marvel at my instructor's arms (she had some nice toning going on)! Get out early, which, more time for my nap!

1:30-3:50 PM: Nap! Glorious.

4:00-6:00 PM: Dinner and procrastination time

6:00 PM: Meeting with all of the Returning Peer Mentors and our current supervisors- Keith (the main peer mentoring coordinator) and Jordan (the graduate assistant coordinator). Stephanie, the graduate student who will take over for Jordan in the fall, was also there, which was neat. Basically, this meeting was hilarious and fun and we didn't even really do any work until like the last 20 minutes. And Jordan gave us all presents (water bottles and picture frames) and candy, which, hello. Can all of my future meetings have Jordan in attendance?

And now I am here. I have had pretty much no time to do anything else tonight (we also had a floor meeting, which was too boring to blog about), so sorry that this was boring and lame. I will post tomorrow after my CRAZY BUSY LONG INSANE OMG day.

Also, please enjoy this picture, which I selected because it a) contains the two of us, and b) miraculously does NOT contain the two of us looking like damn fools. Because, let's be honest, most pictures that are only of the two of us are kind of embarrassing.

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